This blog is a place to process truth and reality in the world as I experience it. In particular, I plan to focus on the construction and communication of identities, musing that has become a core part of my own identity. While musing, I often am amused, but in no way mean to be trite with the identities of others. This discussion should not be read as a proposal of absolutes; we see and know in part, here in the Shadowlands.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dr. Seuss' Trees

Have you read Dr. Seuss enough that the title of this blog jogged a mental image or two?

I love Dr. Seuss - his creative wordplay and the colorful drawings that accompany them. I love it all because it is so other-worldly. Or at least I thought so. Until I camped this past weekend in the Cascades.

I am amending a few decades of belief that Dr. Seuss came up with the craziest trees imaginable and stuck them in his books. These trees exist! I just didn't know where to look. Or have the opportunity to see them. And isn't that just like life?

We think things, believe ideas, and generally view the world through a lens of our own experience. This is one reason I believe it's incredibly important to have some of my deepest friendships be with people who see the world very differently than I do, but share a desire to see it as it really is.

Even if I've never experienced anything that they have, I can share it with them as they live vulnerably and authentically. And even if I don't know where to look to find something new and wonderful, they help me explore just the right nooks and crannies. And in their experience, something that seems so foreign suddenly becomes real. And in my new experience, something I was blind to I can suddenly see. That doesn't mean that we always agree on what we see. But in respectfully looking together, in sharing the search, my best friends help me open my eyes.

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