This blog is a place to process truth and reality in the world as I experience it. In particular, I plan to focus on the construction and communication of identities, musing that has become a core part of my own identity. While musing, I often am amused, but in no way mean to be trite with the identities of others. This discussion should not be read as a proposal of absolutes; we see and know in part, here in the Shadowlands.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rearranging the furniture

When life feels a bit too crazy, I like to rearrange the furniture. I have a few friends who like to do the same. Instead of describing myself as a little overwhelmed - I can simply say "I rearranged the furniture this morning" and that's enough to know that there's a lot going on that feels a little out of control. After 7 years of marriage, my husband and I learned that it's really best for him not to make suggestions to me of where the furniture should be rearranged to...that's really not the point...and usually ends badly. Mostly, I just want to feel like there's the possibility of order, when everything feels quite disorderly.

Today was one of those days when I really wanted to rearrange the furniture. But, since I'm living in a hotel studio room this week, that is nigh impossible. The bed is bolted to the wall. And so is the table. I could move the chairs...but they'd have to go in front of the door or in the bathroom. And that's just weird. I could move the dog (not that's he's furniture exactly, but he has been behaving a bit like a rug today) but that's just mean.

However. Not to dismay. The perfect solution presented itself: my laptop! I have been wanting to organize my computer for months now, now that my life focus has shifted quite a bit. The files that I used to need easy access to don't need to be one click away anymore, the names of some of the folders just aren't accurate, and some of the software obsolete in my life.

Enter: Re-arranger of the computer furniture!

Sigh. Now I can sleep a little easier on my bolted-in bed tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Order, I like it because it's characteristic of my God. Disorder, I dislike it because it amplifies the chaos of life. As for rearranging the furniture, this is something I cannot do because I like for everything to be "in place." But as for organizing, now that's right up my alley. Organization proves to be therapy to me and you're just getting me excited about the next such session...whenever that might be.
